Alyssa :: 2014 SHS Senior :: Menominee MI Senior Photographer

Recently I did a Senior Session at the beautiful Wells State Park, with gorgeous Miss Alyssa. Alyssa is an avid lover of dance, and even started her own dance team at SHS! We had a blast at her session! It was so nice getting to know her a little bit, and catching some gorgeous shots! Here are some of my favorites from her session! Image

Why a Boudoir Session? :: Menominee MI Boudoir Photographer

Recently I was contacted and asked to do a Boudoir session for a wonderful woman as a gift to her significant other. I was immediately ecstatic, and not for the reasons most people would think! We chatted back and forth about different ideas and locations, and discussed a little bit about what her significant other would like, and being he is an outdoorsy type of guy, we decided why not take the bedroom scene outdoors! The set turned out absolutely fantastic, and she was thrilled when she seen the finished product! In her words, “I don’t normally like pictures of myself, but these turned out so good!” Image

Which brings me to the point of why I love these sessions so much. Don’t get me wrong. I love the hype over posting an image online and reading all the lovely comments my clients get, but these sessions are personal, and my reasoning for loving them are totally different from a normal session. These sessions are just for you. It takes a lot of courage to let someone into your personal life, and truly be yourself, and I love that when we are out shooting the nerves fade away and something beautiful happens. The real you shines! It gives me an opportunity to show you how your significant other sees you, how beautiful you really are, and shed a new light on how you feel about yourself. These sessions are extremely powerful, and are such a confidence booster. That is why I love them so much. The real truth is, there is a reason our significant others love us, and they really do not see the things we do. We need to set those things aside, even just for a moment, and start to give ourselves a bit more credit. I can guarantee, when your loved one receives that little black book of you, it will be a gift he will NEVER forget, and his reaction is sure to rock your world.

Boudoir sessions are limited to a certain amount of sessions available each year so I can devote as much time as needed to creating a one of a kind experience personal and unique to you. This includes taking the time to get to know you, personally creating a one of a kind set, tips with hair and makeup, location scouting, and extra time devoted to processing your images so no detail is spared.

If you would like to schedule your own Boudoir Session please contact Kayla Eickmeyer Photography at or 715-923-3717.

Please note that your privacy is very important, and no images are shared without 100% permission.

Trevor :: 2014 SHS Senior :: Menominee MI High School Senior Photographer

Recently I did a senior session with Mr. Trevor, and had a blast! It happened to be blazing hot the day of his session, but we managed to get some really great shots without melting, including some portraits with a pretty sweet car, and a fun action shot on the baseball field with help from his little brother as pitcher.  I will admit, there was one hit that went straight up in the air, and I hit the deck after being blinded by the sun. Had to have been a spectacle, especially after I just got done telling him that I played fast pitch softball. I am sure he was thinking, “Ya right lady!” HAHA! But if you seen him crush the ball like I did, (seriously, this kid can hit a ball!) into the outfield you would have been diving for safety too! So here are some of my favorite portraits from his session!

If you would like to schedule your own unique Senior Session please contact me or visit my Senior Client Guide for more details!


Scroll down for the link to Trevor’s full gallery! storyboard3_web1

Full Link to Trevor’s Sessions is –>Here<–
Code to enter his gallery is: Trevor (It is case sensitive)

Karissa & Family :: Menominee MI Family Portrait Photographer

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing Karissa and her family. This was their very first photo session ever! I have to admit I wasn’t sure what to expect, and although we had talked on the phone, I wasn’t familiar with the area. When I pulled into their long driveway, I was gitty! What I was driving through was rolling hay fields with dreamy afternoon sun shining down, and a big barn with lots of charm. I was in love, and I knew their session was going to turn out amazing! Here are some of my favorites. If you like them too be sure to leave them some love!fb2fb

Find the link below to watch their gorgeous video fusion with added video clips! fb4 fb5

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Super fun rustic video fusion with bonus video clips —> Here <—